Important Dates and Things to Keep in Mind
- Library checkout on May 6th.
- Animal Projects due on May 14th
- Textbook collection on May 19th
- Second Grade Hawaii Day on May 20th
- Math Wizards Finale on May 21st at 8:30am
- Reading Carnival on May 22nd at 10:05am
- Field Day on May 27th
- Class breakfast/end of year celebration on May 28th
- Last Day of school on May 29th
Class Documents
Here are some documents you may need this week I sent home a paper copy of each week however sometimes they don't make it home. This week I have added a digital copy of our reading log and class newsletter.
What We Are Learning
Reading: Students will continue to interact with nonfiction texts as they learn to focus on what is most important in what they read. They will learn to summarize the important facts in a text.
Phonics: The students will review phonogram cards and identify them in our old spelling words. Five words will be introduced each day. Study every night.
Writing: Writing will be integrated with science this week. We will begin doing research and filling out a graphic organizer to help us create nonfiction writing, as paragraphs and essays.
Math: This week we will finish up our unit on measurement, specifically comparing two measurements. Then we will move into a unit on adding/subtracting 2 and 3 digit numbers. There will be a test on this skill next week.
Science: As we move ahead in our animal unit, students will be learning about reptiles and amphibians. We will also begin learning about distinct habitats on Earth as well as life cycles of animals. Continue to work on your animal project!
Have a great week!