Monday, August 31, 2015

Quick Note

Happy Monday! I just have a couple announcements. On this website I have three links in the top menu that will be very helpful to you this school year. First is the newsletter page. This page contains a live Google document which will update every week to have our new classroom newsletter. You can download this newsletter or check it for information. A copy of this newsletter is also sent home with your child every Monday.

Another helpful page is the one titled Calendar. This page has a Google calendar for our class. On this calendar I will post important dates for our class such as field trips, class celebrations, passport club check-in, or assemblies. I will also put important school dates on this calendar such as Terrific Kid assemblies, school wide special days, and information about other school events.

The third helpful link is titled Spelling. This spelling page contains a live Google document that will update every week to include the spelling words for the week. You can print this list or use it for your child to study from. 

My last note is from the PTA. They are hosting a pizza party for the homeroom with the most parent/teacher participation at each PTA monthly meeting. Here is the flyer explaining this fun event! I will be there at this week's meeting on September 3rd!

 PTA Pizza Party Flyer

Have a great Monday!

Sunday, August 30, 2015

What's been going on?

Well the first week is finished and the second week of school is coming to a close.  Over the past two weeks the kids have been learning about rules and expectations. We have gone over Spann's MOVE rules during social studies.

M= Mutual Respect
O= One Task
V= Value Safety
E= Expect Excellence


In math students have had opportunities to explore the manipulatives we will be using in math. Some students created patterns, created shape arrangements, or sorted the different materials.

Other students made repeating patterns or made towers. 

 They even tried making their own math equations!! During group time students practiced using math 'Talk Moves'. This means that they practiced how to work with a partner, how to speak to one another showing respect, and how to explain their thinking.

This week students learned about the different ways to represent numbers. We focused on showing quantity using a picture, putting counters on a tens frame, writing addition sentences, using tally marks, and writing number words. On Tuesday students learned how to play the math game bump. In this game students rolled two dice. They added the amount on each die together and then looked for that number on their game board. Once they found that number word they could put a counter on that space.


In writing this week students learned about the writing process. We spent one day on each step of the process. On Monday students created a plan for their story.


  On Tuesday and Wednesday students wrote a rough draft of their story in their writing journals

On Thursday students practiced revising their writing. This seemed to be the hardest part for most students! Then on Friday students edited their writing. 


In reading we started centers this week. Students are learning one center each week so that they can fully master each center on their on and can work independently. This week we began Read to Self. I was very proud of ALL students with this center! Each day this week students tried to increase their reading stamina. This means that we focused on increasing the amount of time each student can read silently and on their own. On Monday students only lasted 2 minutes, then Tuesday our reading stamina went down to 1 minute. BUT on Friday we got our reading stamina up to 6 minutes!!! This is very impressive for first graders! Our new reading stamina goal is 10 minutes!

Once finished their center students worked on a fun writing activity about themselves. They had to create a rainbow of their favorite things. Check it out!


Lastly, in Spanish students have learned the Spanish words for the parts of their face, numbers up to 20, colors, and days of the week. 

Click this link to hear the song we have been singing for the days of the week!

That's whats happening in room 302! Have a great day and check back soon to see what we are up to!