Sunday, November 1, 2015

October News

October has flown by with a lot of fun, rain and pumpkins. Even with all the rain days we had, students have been able to learn a lot. This month we had the cultural arts fair, pumpkin experiments, red ribbon week, and storybook character day.

Cultural Arts Fair

The cultural arts fair was October 16th. The kids were able to participate in many PTA sponsored activities. There was an obstacle course where students had to complete small continent related challenges. Students participated in 3 Spanish dances lead by Senora Daehler, the school's Spanish teacher. They were also able to create their own boomerangs with our art teacher Mrs. Florencio. 


On this day our class was fortunate to have Mrs. Sanford come into our class to teach us about Japan. She showed students maps of Japan, pointing out the mountains. She showed students pictures and taught them how to create an origami pumpkin! It was a lot of fun and learning packed into one school day.


In October we learned about pumpkins in science. Students learned about the pumpkin life cycle, the parts of the pumpkin, and many important facts about pumpkins.

We started the unit off by writing down all that we knew about pumpkins (on the orange post-it notes) then at the end of the unit we wrote down all the new things we learned (on the yellow post-it notes).

After learning about pumpkins it was time to explore a pumpkin! We took all the pulp out of a pumpkin and then used magnifying glasses to examine the pulp and the seeds. 

To practice making predictions we completed a candy pumpkin experiment. Before the experiment students made predictions about what would happen when the candy pumpkin was placed in water. Next each student got one candy corn pumpkin. Then we put them in water and observed what happened. At first we did not notice any change, but after 5 minutes it started to get interesting! The pumpkins were shrinking, changing shape, loosing their color, or had a white coating form on the outside. The kids were very excited to see all the changes. After the experiment was over we reviewed our predictions and we recorded what we observed.

Fall Tree Painting

This month was also the start of clubs, our first club was art club. For art club this month students used pencil erasers to paint a fall tree! The kids loved using something other than brushes to paint!

This month was very exciting and full of activities that helped us learn many new things. After this month I cannot wait for November!!

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Field Trip Update

I wanted to let everyone know that due to the storm and flooding from this past weekend our field trip for this Thursday had to be cancelled. Right now we are planning to reschedule it for a different time. At this point I am not sure when the trip will be rescheduled for. We are still trying to work everything out. I will let everyone know when I have more information. 

Monday, August 31, 2015

Quick Note

Happy Monday! I just have a couple announcements. On this website I have three links in the top menu that will be very helpful to you this school year. First is the newsletter page. This page contains a live Google document which will update every week to have our new classroom newsletter. You can download this newsletter or check it for information. A copy of this newsletter is also sent home with your child every Monday.

Another helpful page is the one titled Calendar. This page has a Google calendar for our class. On this calendar I will post important dates for our class such as field trips, class celebrations, passport club check-in, or assemblies. I will also put important school dates on this calendar such as Terrific Kid assemblies, school wide special days, and information about other school events.

The third helpful link is titled Spelling. This spelling page contains a live Google document that will update every week to include the spelling words for the week. You can print this list or use it for your child to study from. 

My last note is from the PTA. They are hosting a pizza party for the homeroom with the most parent/teacher participation at each PTA monthly meeting. Here is the flyer explaining this fun event! I will be there at this week's meeting on September 3rd!

 PTA Pizza Party Flyer

Have a great Monday!

Sunday, August 30, 2015

What's been going on?

Well the first week is finished and the second week of school is coming to a close.  Over the past two weeks the kids have been learning about rules and expectations. We have gone over Spann's MOVE rules during social studies.

M= Mutual Respect
O= One Task
V= Value Safety
E= Expect Excellence


In math students have had opportunities to explore the manipulatives we will be using in math. Some students created patterns, created shape arrangements, or sorted the different materials.

Other students made repeating patterns or made towers. 

 They even tried making their own math equations!! During group time students practiced using math 'Talk Moves'. This means that they practiced how to work with a partner, how to speak to one another showing respect, and how to explain their thinking.

This week students learned about the different ways to represent numbers. We focused on showing quantity using a picture, putting counters on a tens frame, writing addition sentences, using tally marks, and writing number words. On Tuesday students learned how to play the math game bump. In this game students rolled two dice. They added the amount on each die together and then looked for that number on their game board. Once they found that number word they could put a counter on that space.


In writing this week students learned about the writing process. We spent one day on each step of the process. On Monday students created a plan for their story.


  On Tuesday and Wednesday students wrote a rough draft of their story in their writing journals

On Thursday students practiced revising their writing. This seemed to be the hardest part for most students! Then on Friday students edited their writing. 


In reading we started centers this week. Students are learning one center each week so that they can fully master each center on their on and can work independently. This week we began Read to Self. I was very proud of ALL students with this center! Each day this week students tried to increase their reading stamina. This means that we focused on increasing the amount of time each student can read silently and on their own. On Monday students only lasted 2 minutes, then Tuesday our reading stamina went down to 1 minute. BUT on Friday we got our reading stamina up to 6 minutes!!! This is very impressive for first graders! Our new reading stamina goal is 10 minutes!

Once finished their center students worked on a fun writing activity about themselves. They had to create a rainbow of their favorite things. Check it out!


Lastly, in Spanish students have learned the Spanish words for the parts of their face, numbers up to 20, colors, and days of the week. 

Click this link to hear the song we have been singing for the days of the week!

That's whats happening in room 302! Have a great day and check back soon to see what we are up to!

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Welcome to First Grade!

Welcome to room 1-H at Spann Elementary. I am excited to be your child's teacher this year and look forward to communicating with you. Below is a form that I would like you to complete before the new school year begins. This will give me important information that I can use throughout the year. Thank you!

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Beginning May

This week students will have math homework, spelling homework and their reading log to do each day. We will have a reading test on Friday, math quiz on Thursday, and a spelling test on Friday. Here is a peek at our week!

Important Dates and Things to Keep in Mind

  1. Library checkout on May 6th.
  2. Animal Projects due on May 14th
  3. Textbook collection on May 19th
  4. Second Grade Hawaii Day on May 20th
  5. Math Wizards Finale on May 21st at 8:30am
  6. Reading Carnival on May 22nd at 10:05am
  7. Field Day on May 27th 
  8. Class breakfast/end of year celebration on May 28th
  9. Last Day of school on May 29th

Class Documents

Here are some documents you may need this week I sent home a paper copy of each week however sometimes they don't make it home. This week I have added a digital copy of our reading log and class newsletter.

What We Are Learning

Reading: Students will continue to interact with nonfiction texts as they learn to focus on what is most important in what they read.  They will learn to summarize the important facts in a text.
Phonics: The students will review phonogram cards and identify them in our old spelling words.  Five words will be introduced each day. Study every night.
Writing: Writing will be integrated with science this week.  We will begin doing research and filling out a graphic organizer to help us create nonfiction writing, as paragraphs and essays.
Math: This week we will finish up our unit on measurement, specifically comparing two measurements. Then we will move into a unit on adding/subtracting 2 and 3 digit numbers. There will be a test on this skill next week. 
Science: As we move ahead in our animal unit, students will be learning about reptiles and amphibians. We will also begin learning about distinct habitats on Earth as well as life cycles of animals. Continue to work on your animal project!



Have a great week!

Monday, April 13, 2015

What's new this week

This week we will continue to study the different aspects of poetry such as rhyme, alliteration and onomatopoeia. In math we will continue our study of fractions and will progress from partitioning shapes into creating arrays. This week students will have cursive handwriting homework. Our newsletter states what letter students should complete each day. This schedule is also listed below.  In addition to this new homework students will have math homework, spelling homework and their reading log to do each day this week. We will have a reading test on Thursday, math quiz on Friday, and a spelling test on Friday. Here is a peek at our week!

Important Dates and Things to Keep in Mind

  1. Library checkout on April 16th.
  2. Early Release Day April 15th. 
  3. Math Quiz April 17th
  4. Field Trip 4/16

Class Documents

Here are some documents you may need this week I sent home a paper copy of each week however sometimes they don't make it home. This week I have added a digital copy of our reading log and class newsletter.

What We Are Learning

Reading: This week we will be continuing our studying poetry and all the different devices poets use to make the poetry interesting.

Phonics: The students will review phonogram cards and identify them in our spelling 
words.  Five words will be introduced each day. Please study every night. They will
be tested on these words on Friday. A new spelling test format is coming next week. 

Writing/Grammar: Writing will be integrated a lot with reading this week as we write about 
nonfiction text features.  In addition, students will be writing narratives or opinions based on writing
prompts provided. We will also be learning how to write in cursive. Students will learn one letter 
each day and are to practice that letter for homework each night. I have created a handwriting book
that will go home Monday with each student and should return to school with students everyday. 

Math: We will briefly cover fractions this week and then begin arrays and repeated addition. This is the beginning of learning about multiplication.
Science: This week we will begin learning about magnets and will be completing several explorations of them. 




Have a great week!

Monday, April 6, 2015

Checking in for the week

This week we will study the different aspects of poetry such as rhyme, alliteration and onomatopoeia. In math we will move on from our study of shapes to explore area. Students will have to work on finding the area of a shape without the use of a ruler. This week students will have math homework, spelling homework and their reading log to do each day this week. We will have a reading test on Thursday, spelling test on Friday and a science test on Thursday. A study guide for our science test will be sent home on Tuesday. Here is a peek at our week!

Important Dates and Things to Keep in Mind

  1. Math Wizards on Wednesday April 8th! Our wizards this month are Max and Cara!
  2. Library checkout on April 9th.
  3. Early Release Day April 15th. 
  4. Field Trip to the Charleston Museum is on 4/16. The trip is $11.50. Get money and permission slips in ASAP!!

Class Documents

Here are some documents you may need this week I sent home a paper copy of each week however sometimes they don't make it home. This week I have added a digital copy of our reading log and class newsletter.

What We Are Learning

Reading: This week we will be studying poetry and all the different devices poets use to make the poetry interesting.

Phonics: The students will review phonogram cards and identify them in our spelling 
words.  Five words will be introduced each day. Please study every night. They will
be tested on these words on Friday. A new spelling test format is coming next week. 

Writing/Grammar: Students will be guided through the writing process when given a prompt.   
They will practice timed writing, narratives and/or opinion writing.  We will also review several 
standards having to do with verbs. We will also be learning how to write in cursive. Students will
learn 1-2 letters each day.

Math: We will briefly cover fractions this week and then begin arrays and repeated addition. This is the beginning of learning about multiplication.
Science: This week we will begin finishing up our study on gravity and forces! Test on Thursday and study guide sent home today!




Have a great week!

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

What's happening this week

This week we will continue our study on main idea and will begin a new math unit on polygons, 2D and 3D shapes. Students will have math homework, spelling homework and their reading log to do each day this week. Here is a peek at our week!

Important Dates and Things to Keep in Mind

  1. Report Cards go home 3/25
  2. STEAM night on 3/25 at 5:30 pm
  3. Book Fair 3/23-3/27
  4. Spring Snack 3/27
  5. Spring Break 3/30-4/5
  6. Field Trip to the Charleston Museum is on 4/16. The trip is $11.50.

Class Documents

Here are some documents you may need this week I sent home a paper copy of each week however sometimes they don't make it home. This week I have added a digital copy of our reading log and class newsletter.

What We Are Learning

Reading: This week students will work on identifying key information in a test and will work together in groups on a project.
Phonics: The students will review phonogram cards and identify them in our spelling 
words.  Five words will be introduced each day. Please study every night. They will
be tested on these words on Friday. A new spelling test format is coming next week. 

Writing/Grammar: Students will be guided through the writing process when given a prompt.  We will also review several standards having to do with nouns.

Math: This week we will begin our geometry unit with polygons, 3D shapes, and partitioning shapes.  There will be a study guide provided for the test on Wednesday as these shape names will need to be learned and remembered.
ScienceThis week we will complete an engineering activity to further understand the forces of push and pull as well as how friction affects movement of objects.



Spelling this week will focus on the phonemes ee, ow, ey, ea, or, ch, ou and oi. Students will be taking their spelling test using the new format this week. For this new test format students will have to edit sentences with incorrect grammar and spelling. They will also have to write sentences using their spelling words and copy dictation sentences.

Have a wonderful week!

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Peek at our Week

This week we will begin a new science unit on force and motion. Math benchmark testing begins on 3/17. Students will have review work this week on concepts that will be assessed. We will be working on writing explanations on how we solve each problem. Students will have math homework, spelling homework and their reading log to do this week. Here is a peek at our week!

Important Dates and Things to Keep in Mind

  1. Picture Day 3/10
  2. Early Release Day 3/11
  3. Library checkout and lesson 3/12
  4. Career Day 3/13
  5. Math benchmark testing 3/17-3/19
  6. Early Release Day 3/20 at 11am
  7. Spring Break 3/30-4/5
  8. Field Trip to the Charleston Museum is on 4/16. The trip is $11.50 and we only have 3 parent spots left as of 3/10.

Class Documents

Here are some documents you may need this week I sent home a paper copy of each week however sometimes they don't make it home. This week I have added a digital copy of our reading log and class newsletter.

What We Are Learning

Reading: This week students will begin by studying computer icons and practicing maneuvering around a computer. At the end of the week we will be reviewing standards that have been taught throughout the year.  Our weekly reading test will be on Friday. 

Phonics: The students will review phonogram cards and identify them in our spelling 
words.  Five words will be introduced each day. Please study every night. They will
be tested on these words on Friday. A new spelling test format is coming next week. 

Writing/Grammar: Students will be guided through the writing process when given a 
prompt.  They will be able to practice this skill over the next couple of weeks. Grammar 
Quiz Friday on ABC order. 

Math: This week will be full of review standards mostly involving place value up to 999.  We will also touch on even & odd.
Science: This week we will begin our unit on forces and motion.  We will be completing explorations, make sure you ask your children what they discovered!



Spelling this week will focus on the phonemes ch, ou, ow, oa, and ea. There are five extra credit words this week.

I hope you have a great week!

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Our Week

Happy President's Day! It is exciting to see all the progress the students are continuing to make each day. We will practice making inferences, identifying text elements and work with scientific texts. Students will have math homework, spelling homework and their reading log to do this week. Here is a peek at our week!

Important Dates and Things to Keep in Mind

  1. Library checkout on Thursday
  2. Boosterthon Begins 2/18
  3. Early Release Day 2/25
  4. Spirit Day/ Terrific Kid Assembly 2/27
  5. Market Day 3/6

Class Documents

Here are some documents you may need this week I sent home a paper copy of each week however sometimes they don't make it home. This week I have added a digital copy of our reading log and class newsletter.

What We Are Learning

Reading: This week we are focused on making inferences, identifying the main idea of a text, text structure, and scientific texts.  Our weekly reading test will be on Friday. 

Phonics: The students will review phonogram cards and identify them in our spelling words.  Five words will be introduced each day. Please study every night. They will be tested on these words on Friday.

Writing/Grammar: We will continue writing informational texts. We will be writing about severe weather. We will also learn how to write compound sentences. Grammar quiz is on possessive nouns (This is a correction from the newsletter sent home on Tuesday). 

Math: We will continue learning  different ways to add 3 digit numbers, with and without regrouping.  There are many strategies introduced to allow students to develop a better number sense when it comes to addition. Some students may have difficulty with the number line strategy and they may need help.    



Spelling this week will focus on the phonemes ea, ir, th, and ow. There are no extra credit words this week.

I hope you have a great week!