Tuesday, March 24, 2015

What's happening this week

This week we will continue our study on main idea and will begin a new math unit on polygons, 2D and 3D shapes. Students will have math homework, spelling homework and their reading log to do each day this week. Here is a peek at our week!

Important Dates and Things to Keep in Mind

  1. Report Cards go home 3/25
  2. STEAM night on 3/25 at 5:30 pm
  3. Book Fair 3/23-3/27
  4. Spring Snack 3/27
  5. Spring Break 3/30-4/5
  6. Field Trip to the Charleston Museum is on 4/16. The trip is $11.50.

Class Documents

Here are some documents you may need this week I sent home a paper copy of each week however sometimes they don't make it home. This week I have added a digital copy of our reading log and class newsletter.

What We Are Learning

Reading: This week students will work on identifying key information in a test and will work together in groups on a project.
Phonics: The students will review phonogram cards and identify them in our spelling 
words.  Five words will be introduced each day. Please study every night. They will
be tested on these words on Friday. A new spelling test format is coming next week. 

Writing/Grammar: Students will be guided through the writing process when given a prompt.  We will also review several standards having to do with nouns.

Math: This week we will begin our geometry unit with polygons, 3D shapes, and partitioning shapes.  There will be a study guide provided for the test on Wednesday as these shape names will need to be learned and remembered.
ScienceThis week we will complete an engineering activity to further understand the forces of push and pull as well as how friction affects movement of objects.



Spelling this week will focus on the phonemes ee, ow, ey, ea, or, ch, ou and oi. Students will be taking their spelling test using the new format this week. For this new test format students will have to edit sentences with incorrect grammar and spelling. They will also have to write sentences using their spelling words and copy dictation sentences.

Have a wonderful week!

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