Monday, April 13, 2015

What's new this week

This week we will continue to study the different aspects of poetry such as rhyme, alliteration and onomatopoeia. In math we will continue our study of fractions and will progress from partitioning shapes into creating arrays. This week students will have cursive handwriting homework. Our newsletter states what letter students should complete each day. This schedule is also listed below.  In addition to this new homework students will have math homework, spelling homework and their reading log to do each day this week. We will have a reading test on Thursday, math quiz on Friday, and a spelling test on Friday. Here is a peek at our week!

Important Dates and Things to Keep in Mind

  1. Library checkout on April 16th.
  2. Early Release Day April 15th. 
  3. Math Quiz April 17th
  4. Field Trip 4/16

Class Documents

Here are some documents you may need this week I sent home a paper copy of each week however sometimes they don't make it home. This week I have added a digital copy of our reading log and class newsletter.

What We Are Learning

Reading: This week we will be continuing our studying poetry and all the different devices poets use to make the poetry interesting.

Phonics: The students will review phonogram cards and identify them in our spelling 
words.  Five words will be introduced each day. Please study every night. They will
be tested on these words on Friday. A new spelling test format is coming next week. 

Writing/Grammar: Writing will be integrated a lot with reading this week as we write about 
nonfiction text features.  In addition, students will be writing narratives or opinions based on writing
prompts provided. We will also be learning how to write in cursive. Students will learn one letter 
each day and are to practice that letter for homework each night. I have created a handwriting book
that will go home Monday with each student and should return to school with students everyday. 

Math: We will briefly cover fractions this week and then begin arrays and repeated addition. This is the beginning of learning about multiplication.
Science: This week we will begin learning about magnets and will be completing several explorations of them. 




Have a great week!

Monday, April 6, 2015

Checking in for the week

This week we will study the different aspects of poetry such as rhyme, alliteration and onomatopoeia. In math we will move on from our study of shapes to explore area. Students will have to work on finding the area of a shape without the use of a ruler. This week students will have math homework, spelling homework and their reading log to do each day this week. We will have a reading test on Thursday, spelling test on Friday and a science test on Thursday. A study guide for our science test will be sent home on Tuesday. Here is a peek at our week!

Important Dates and Things to Keep in Mind

  1. Math Wizards on Wednesday April 8th! Our wizards this month are Max and Cara!
  2. Library checkout on April 9th.
  3. Early Release Day April 15th. 
  4. Field Trip to the Charleston Museum is on 4/16. The trip is $11.50. Get money and permission slips in ASAP!!

Class Documents

Here are some documents you may need this week I sent home a paper copy of each week however sometimes they don't make it home. This week I have added a digital copy of our reading log and class newsletter.

What We Are Learning

Reading: This week we will be studying poetry and all the different devices poets use to make the poetry interesting.

Phonics: The students will review phonogram cards and identify them in our spelling 
words.  Five words will be introduced each day. Please study every night. They will
be tested on these words on Friday. A new spelling test format is coming next week. 

Writing/Grammar: Students will be guided through the writing process when given a prompt.   
They will practice timed writing, narratives and/or opinion writing.  We will also review several 
standards having to do with verbs. We will also be learning how to write in cursive. Students will
learn 1-2 letters each day.

Math: We will briefly cover fractions this week and then begin arrays and repeated addition. This is the beginning of learning about multiplication.
Science: This week we will begin finishing up our study on gravity and forces! Test on Thursday and study guide sent home today!




Have a great week!